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Posts posted by BigFreaky

  1. So is steampunk a req for the night? that would be neat. Love Steampunk, I could wear my glove finally...

    Guys need an extra DJ?! lol

    Its super far away for me...

    Yes! This friday is Steampunk! We already have 3 DJ's so as of right now we are good. There is a possibility of Guest DJ's in the future however. Yes GR is pretty far from Detroit Proper, but back in the day we used to load up the car and head that way, when we didn't have any options!!! (So long ago!!) Hopefully you can come check us out sometime soon!!

  2. Throw a play list up that the DJ spins after you throw the event. I is curious what you play. As I said, its waaaay to far for me to attend. And im not to big a fan of performances like that.

    Yea the night was pretty much freestyle all night, I do plan on having play lists very soon!! You don't like fire shows?? It is one part of the night. There are many things that are going to happen with this night, we are just getting all the gears going!! Hopefully you can come sometime in the future!!! Pack up a carload of friends!!!

  3. My friend Nicole and I went in to the venue ahead of another friend and her BF. We couldn't find them and it had been an hour. So we wanted to go out to the parking lot to see if they were still out there (I left my phone in the car), but the head bouncer wouldn't let us because we were under 21.

    I was nearly in tears because I had already had a panic attack.

    We ended up having to sneak out along the side of the venue, found out my friends were just having a heart-to-heart in the car, and we had to sneak back in again.

    Well yea, trying to go back and forth when you are under 21 is pretty dangerous to a venue. Sixx has a nice big patio outside, for people to smoke, which is right near the front door. Pack up a carload of friends and come check us out. Project : Launch is gonna be off the chain, and well.. The Daredevil Dolls are just icing on the cake!! Hope to see you out!!

  4. So, there is some kind of life in Grand Rapids? Good to know....I'll be living there by the end of July. What does the Sixx Club do the rest of the week?

    @Sixx Wed-College Night(Top40) Thurs-Country Night Fri-(underGRound Starting July9) Sat-Top40/WSNX/Dance

    Hope all goes well, but 3 hours is way to far for me.

    Thats Pretty much what we on this side of the state have to drive anytime, we want to go to CityClub or a Concert. Lots of carpooling!!!

    The last time I went to Grand Rapids was for a concert. And I ended up having two anxiety attacks and getting into arguments with the main bouncer at the venue. :X

    Not to mention...its too far away for me.

    I hope it goes well, though.

    Well we would love to have you anytime!! This should be a most drama free Project. The venue is great!! What arguments did you get into the bouncer with?

    Every time this is tried, it dies and I feel partially at fault because I often will go to Detroit rather than try out any closer events.

    I hope those of us from this side of the state can support this night, especially since it doesn't interfere with DGN night at City on Saturdays.

    If a miracle happens and I have enough cash to get my car fixed by then I will be sure to make an appearance. :)

    Well I know this Project will be different than any other ever started in the West Michigan Area. Hope to see you out!! We are out to have fun, and fun will be had!!

  5. The Grand Rapids Scene has been dry for some time... its time to bring it back to life!!! The Grand Rapids undead will go underGRound!!!

    I don't know what can't be said that isn't included in this flyer... but if you have any questions, be sure to let me know!! You all know the stylings of The Daredevil Dolls (Devil Dolls). They will be with us for the launch of the year!!! Come out and party with us, the likes of which Grand Rapids, has not seen in a long time!!


    of course if I somehow posted this in the wrong place, let me know that also... everything seems kosher as far as I can tell!!!

    BTW... GR is 'roughly' 3 hours from the Detroit Scene... and just another 45 minutes from Lake Michigan!!

    BTWx2 How many damn !'s did I use in that frickin post!! I am crazy!!


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