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Status Updates posted by CalicoKittyKat

  1. NSFW but enjoy =)


  2. *che-che* *gets ready to fire Dolce*

  3. Have you seen her little cameo in the "Born Again" video by Die Warzau. Wow is all I can say =)

  4. Hey! It's D. PLZ PLZ PLZ e-mail me that picture!

  5. I like turkey too! Sometimes.

  6. I'm sorry, I meant SENIOR Whore of Babylon. <3

  7. It was ME! I was the turkey, ALL ALONG!

  8. It was nice meeting you last night! I hope you liked my drunken impression of Gir from Invader Zim.

  9. Likewise, muh dear!

  10. No more ears in solid linens....seriously wtf. That is crazy.

  11. No one but you could ever fill my night, be the sunlight in my every day.

  12. Rhino linen service? I seen your guys' truck at my hospital the other night on my break!!!

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