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Everything posted by Reject

  1. is trying to find a new reason to smile.

  2. Welcome to DGN - cant wait to see you up and running here. Muhahaha

  3. Yes yes! Welcome AiOKO So Happy to have you here~~!! and glad you liked City Club )
  4. You should put a marker where my house is Fidget, since I'm so close to RIP and all.
  5. Boo! It wouldn't let me register :(. Everytime I try it takes me to the register page but doesn't load it no matter how many times I hit refresh. Help anyone?
  6. Hey Ozyirus here's a name-tag for your signature. Hope you like it! :)


  7. I'm sorry but this totally made me crack up!! I'd go with Jumana though. I like it.
  8. Welcome Welcome!! Good to see you here :)

  9. Haha you're recruiting people like ZOMBIESSS and putting me to work! xD. I'll get on making a name tag later on tonight. welcome lyndon!!! expect your name tag from yours truly shortly. and welcome to our little haven on the interwebzz
  10. Reject

    I made you a name-tag for your signature :) I hope you like it ::


  11. Hello Hello to you too! :)

  12. Reject

    I've already said it but welcome lil bunny!

  13. Welcome Welcome Ripley! I'll get on making you a nametag of your own for your sig . It's good to have you on board my fellow pet ^.^
  14. I'm a newbie here too! You'll feel right at home in no time i already do Welcome Welcome
  15. A: I visted City Club for the first time and I have never felt so unjudged, attractive or at home in my entire life. It gave me hope in the human race . Q: Got any "weird" fetishes? [At least weird by normal social rings]
  16. yeah Fidget is the best, i've known her for years and she by far def a gamer girl. I know ALOT about games, i love games but i don't play them, i mostly get off on watching other people play them. It's very amusing/entertaining for me. Is that weird?

  17. haha biting can be fun tho xD.

    I won't be able to make it out tonight but I will be there next friday and probably saturday too I'll have to talk to Fidget.

  18. Thank you SOOOOO much for taking me to city club last night, it was SO MUCH FUN i had a BLAST

  19. Booo work! that's no fun. I had my VERY FIRST visit to City Club last night. It was oh-so-exciting I can't WAIT to go back!

  20. Thank you to everyone who have welcomed mee! I just had my first visit to City Club last night. BEST PLACE I'VE EVER GONE can't wait to go back!
  21. It's going, and yourself? How is life treating you?

  22. A: Because there's always more to do and you never do it unless you NEED for it to be done. Q: Why can't anything ever just be clear-cut and simple?
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