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Status Updates posted by Punky

  1. Punky

    im cool enough to make it into Raev's sig. thats totally tits.

  2. woof! bark! bark! *wags tail*

  3. yeah totally dude. you came over with tom. we should totally chill again sometime. well go somewhere and party instead of just outside my house.

  4. Well theres just no stopping you, now is there?

  5. Bellybuttons and pickles? thats one kinky mind ya got there

  6. Is doom afraid of radioactive kittens? because i have those too

  7. Father of Doom? Gamer Kittah preparing machine gun turrets.

  8. Punky

    Aw lol dont be sad doll. Your life isnt over. You can still make up for lost time.

  9. hellz yeaz. gamer kittah blows up zombies.

  10. Punky

    well then, i guess youre just going to have to educate me

  11. *willing to wage war to make gamer kitty happy*

  12. One time at MAN camp...

  13. hey chicaaaaaa! how you doin? we still on for skating saturday? i gots that coupon still so i can skate for free ^_^

  14. my nerdy friends says your amazing because you made your website by hand

  15. Yeah man, i'm up for it. I'm working for my grandpa right now and I have to do something for my school at 7 but we should be home around 8ish. James has the phone right now if you want to call him.

  16. hey dude! awesome that you joined.

  17. thank you! its really awesome

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