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Moderators I (1)
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Status Updates posted by StormKnight

  1. He is Miyamoto Usagi, the lead character of the comic Usagi Yojimbo by Stan Sakai. :)

  2. Hello. Good grief, the picture is a exact match for Gaiman's Death. :)

  3. In CT right now. I plan to be back at the end of June.

  4. There are always weekends ;)

  5. When do I get my hot, young redhead? ;)

  6. Don't make me break out the gloves...or other objects of perversion...lol

  7. Sweet? Innocent? Like me, right?

    I was hoping you would appreciating you missing me with some return affection. ;)

  8. *gropes and fondles*


  9. hehehehe :)

    And....awwwww *blushes*

  10. and this is a problem?

  11. suuuure you don't...

  12. I suppose the whole "incredibly frisky dirty old man" bears repeating?

  13. *breaks out gloves for special groping*

  14. Always liked Washu and Ryoko myself. Though there are times I would love to be in Tenchi's shoes.

  15. Not good. Hope you are feeling better.

  16. Trying to sleep now. Insomnia has been bad of late.

  17. Roll this one around: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNzu237bibM

    Shows japanese word play in two different languages.

  18. *blink*

    *connection made*

    *shocked look*

    Why yes, I believe I know you as well. :) How goes it?

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