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Status Updates posted by Msterbeau

  1. I forgot to ask.. How's your dad and his car?

  2. Hmm.. I have a membership at the Birmingham YMCA. Think they'd mind if we used their equipment?

  3. *Knock, knock* Can Tonya come out and play?

  4. *Waves at the elusive Ripley*

  5. Speaking of sex.. Where does your screen name come from...?? You like sex in moving cars?

  6. You're not confused. I'm just having fun making bad puns.. :-)

    Is it too late for sex? Bwaahahha!

  7. You're forgetting the sex part. That's where the hardness comes in...

    Wait...another pun! :-)

  8. Oh.. and I like snow too. At least for a couple months. I like driving in it.. in wide open places... where you can do silly things without worrying about car damage. :-)

  9. You drive a hard bargain. (For sex) Pun intended.

  10. Snow and ice and sleet tonight... You should practice on the West Park railroad bridge.. LOL!

  11. Hey!! All you people are stealing my jobs!! Whatever shall I do?

  12. YOU feel creepy???? I thought that was MY job? Curses!!

  13. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! You're hair is so beautiful long!!

  14. Dirty old man? You called? :-)

    Nothing much is up... Yooz?

  15. Who said it had to be appropriate? We're more about inappropriate around here. LOL!

  16. Also... I find it interesting that you spell "Novi" like it's origins.. Train stop "No.VI" (I work in Novi)

  17. Yay! Is there a prize?

  18. *Throws Captain Crunch in your hair*

  19. *Funky baseline plays as I roll through your profile*

  20. I'm messing with your husband... I may as well get you too: *Messes up hair*

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