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Status Updates posted by Msterbeau

  1. I don't like desease. Think of something else...

  2. How does virus = mouse?? LOL!!

  3. I drive through. What's so horrible?

  4. I prefer "virus" of doom. :-p

  5. All you're getting out of me is chocolate. Or sex. :-p

  6. Get you to stop PMSing? I think our conversation has gone awry.. :p

  7. It could be worse. You could be living in Taylor-tucky. :-P

  8. Also - I grew up in Dearborn. West side, by Michigan Ave. and Telegraph.

  9. You haz moar comments.

    PS - You reply to people in THEIR profile. :-)

  10. And not so pleasant, either.

  11. Can we take the "i" out and make you fancee?

  12. As long as it's not PMS I'm receiving... :p

  13. Incoming question via PM in 3.....2....1...

  14. I'm in ur profile, disturbing the corpses.

  15. Inappropriate? Possibly. At least in his face. LOL!!

    You have your own treadmill? Nice! I want an elliptical machine for working out in the winters. (I ride when it's warmer) Now I'm wondering about sex on one of those... Would be very interesting... and bouncy. Heh...

  16. Okies. Just let me know by early Saturday..

  17. Gotta get things done around here but yeah... comfy home is much better than work or shitty roads. Glad you're feeing better! What's up for Saturday? (Study more now! )

  18. Hanging at home today. What's up in Tonya-land?

  19. *Gives you a gold star for being a caring teacher*

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