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Everything posted by SanctumNocturna

  1. Hi, I'm Sanctum...otherwise known as SN, Sancty or Ken...but most often Ken. My name is a rather obvious latin phrase that is taken from a novella that I wrote about 6 years ago, maybe longer. I have since used the name as a band name, but that was also recently switched to accomodate some of the changes in the music and our desire to have a more readily accessible name (just my opinion). I have been around DGN for quite some time, but I think I have managed to do so by roughly meeting about 5 of you , and I have no idea how that's happened over the course of years. I moved back to Michigan about a year and a half ago, and it's seemed to be quite the struggle since then...but I'm hoping that things will change as we head into this year. I haven't been up to CC that often lately, mainly because the majority of my friends have "fallen out of the scene." Therefore, I tend to hang out in hole in the wall karaoke bars. I would like to get up there sometime and meet more of you. I have two dogs, Alaskan Malamutes named Neo and Star. They technically are not mine, but they live here too, so they are by default. What else...single, employed, just got a new (used) truck...yeah. So that's good!
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