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Status Updates posted by DeadBurgerKing

  1. *scrolls down* I'm so friggin' retarded...disregard my last comment. :/

    I'll add you on msn now ;)

  2. Ahhh! You're a youngin'! :p

    Do you sing?

  3. But, that's my money maker....

    Arrrgh, guess it's onto plan B...*slips on the gimp mask*

  4. Complications with medicine and preparing to move has been keeping me busy...

    I will be moving to Warren!! Yay!!

  5. Damn youse Troy, Damn youuuuuuuuse!! Haha

    So, did you introduce yourself in your welcome thread yet? Cause I could've sworn there was a thread for you...

  6. Diamond or Pearl. Those are the primary ones for the DS.

    I wish I had money for such neat and pretty electronic devices. Sigh.

    We need to hang out and play some Guitar Hero!! that's what we need to do!!

  7. Exotica will be at City Club this time around at the end of April. I'll post info in the events forum when it comes close to the date later on.

    The X Ball is like a sample of what's to be seen at Exotica. It was fun!!

  8. Generally? Great!!

    Currently? Blah.

    How about you?

  9. Haha!

    "I like death"

    "I like death and sex, how about you Casey, you like sex and death?"

    "Yeah, so fuck off and die!"

  10. Hello!! Troy hasn't mentioned anything about the 1st best flirt yet, has he? Yeah, because you see...that'd be me!!

    How are you?

  11. How be ye?

    *huggles and cuddles*

  12. How dare you! Do NOT squeeze me!!

    I am to be CUDDLED!! C-U-D-D-L-E-D!!

  13. I am absolutely fascinated by history. I watch the history channel all the time for info.

    But alas, I'm afraid my lack of vocabulary may be a bit of a turn off to an intellect far superior than my own, such as yours. :/

  14. I sympathise. I live out in hicks town; Howell. And there is no punk/goth culture here at all. I live 20 minutes from the home town of the K.K.K. There is no one here that sees my views or opinions. Barely anyone that shares my music taste even. No one to talk to or hang out with...

    Though you're not talking about a town, rather an entire species. I couldn't even imagine that.

  15. I was drinking...yeah I was tired when you got there and rather brain dead. then I started drinking, and that really didn't help matters! Hahaha!!

    you coming to CC for Halloween?

  16. I'll keep it short, otherwise I'll take up your entire profile, but...

    Sailor Moon, Yugioh, Pokemon, FMA, Wolf's Rain, Saiyuki Reload, Venus Vs Virus, Cowboy Bebop,Deathnote, Shaman King...

    I think I'll stop there LOL!

  17. I'm sorry you're having such a tough time lately...

    But yes, that's an official Spectrum X Song. They like my name, so they made a song for me! :D

  18. It CAN be a dating site if you want...Troy and I are single!! *wink wink*

    Wow, that was REALLY forward, wasn't it? Anyhoo, you have myspace?

  19. Just got back from the X Ball, it was a great time to be had. You should try and go to Exotica when it comes up...I think it's in June. Not sure...

    And thank you! Blue is my fav color! ;)

  20. MSN works best for me. I shot you an add request on msn ;)

    good night!!

  21. Oklie dokilies!

    Hey, have you heard my Alexia Code Veronica remix Edit yet? I put it up just last night. I made it much better and more Resident Evil-esque sounding.

  22. Quoting Cher:

    "WAIT! You watch anime and play video games? That makes you my new best friend :-P "

    I totally feel the exact same way!!

  23. Retail job? Two words for you, "ouch" and "ouch". :/

    What's your myspace? You gotta have one...

  24. Stressed.

    how have you been?

  25. Technically, yes. lol

    How goes it?

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