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Status Updates posted by AstralCrux

  1. I was wandering around nakie on Tuesday 'cause Val went to TN. Why do you always hide in my bushes while I'm at work? It freaks the parrots out!

  2. I'm off Thursday.... Wanna hang?

  3. Come stalk me at work!

  4. Want to ski with me and Val? We go every Tuesday to Mt. Holly.

  5. I'm a little lost... What's happening Sunday? I work the afternoon shift.

  6. Southfield, not too far from the library.

  7. You almost has phone back... Soon... Very soon...

  8. I know from personal experience... The gods have a sick sense of humor. That's why I've always felt so drawn to the Greek pantheon. It seems about how my life goes.

  9. Why is you having bad night stalker?

  10. I checked... I didn't get the e-mail... Wanna just PM me?

  11. There are a large number of questions for your goth night post. Could you answer those? kthanxbye

  12. Were you able to get a time slot in January?

  13. The venue you suggested for speed dating would be cool. Can you see if we could get a time slot for about 3-4 hours on the 3rd or 4th Saturday in January?

  14. Nice to meet you too!

  15. You can always text me... But, I broke my charger, so I have to go get a new one at Meijer tonight.

  16. Stalk-itty, stalk, stalk, stalk....

    Thought I'd say hi.

  17. I have a sister like yours. Periodically, it helps to disown her and stop talking to her for a few months. It works, until my sister forgets about being disowned. Then I have to do it again. So far, it's the only way to get her to be reasonable. I have horror stories...

  18. You guys still doing poetry night?

  19. I'm looking forward to it. I like being able to see the fish before it gets gutted and descaled.

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