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Status Updates posted by Etalimissa

  1. i like the new hair!

  2. dark Lord, how will you break the 12 year spell if you won't post a picture? maybe some lady on here (not me--not looking) will help you get over that dry spell :)

  3. Danke schoen fur das freund add.

  4. Wow, you look young for your age. Born in 1914, ja? I have a friend with the same birthday as you and also Ogre from Skinny Puppy has the same birthday as you--Dec 5. If you never knew of anyone with the same birthday now you do! If Jeanne was into goth music I'd tell her to befriend you. I know someone in Germany with the same birthday as myself.

  5. Troy, meet my friend Darklord. Hey, Darklord, go to the MAP and see if you can put a "pin" in your city to show where you are from (Dusseldorf) area. Troy, does this mean I get an extra 50 brownie points for recruiting someone within my first 24 hours? :)

  6. hallo meine freund! so glad to have you with us, oh Darklord of Dusseldorf :)

  7. ooooh, MOAB (KZMU) radio in Utah (Allen) is playing me "Assimilate" by Skinny Puppy right now.

  8. All of my photos I had stored got eaten up on the compuer so I lost them all. I only hae them saved on FB. Thus, I don't "look goth" in my pic but what does goth look like? It's inside of me. I've seen people who look it but they are not goth and I may not look it but I am on the inside....

  9. Some of my favourite bands are: Skinny Puppy~~Romantics~~Diary Of Dreams~~Images In Vogue~~Cure~~Damned~~Die Arzte~~Project Pitchfork~~Schiller~~Wolfsheim~~Prince~~DAF~~Die Krupps~~ASP~~Specimen~~Belfegore~~Kashtin~~Colin James~~Yothu Yindi~~Rankin Family~~Ofra Haza~~Kvitka Cisyk~~and many more. I am into goth, industrial, world beat, and classical music. mostly.

  10. I have been a semi-vegetarian for 25 years and have been into animal rights since grade school. I do not support hunting.

    I am basically here to see if it is possible to find some male or female goths who would like a fellow kindred spirit to talk to or see concerts with.

  11. goth friends since I have said about myself: once a goth, always a goth. To me it was always about the music and dress. I was not much into the clubs unless a band was playing and in that case, bring it on. I am part nerdette and part goth. What that means is that I have never been into smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, or partaking in drug usage. Therefore I have never been a parti...

  12. Hello fellow creatures of the night:

    I am what I term an old-school goth. I've been out-of-the-loop for a long time since I had many goth/alternative music fans and they all took off for darker pastures (how can it get darker than Detroit?). I have not been into the local scene for ages (remember Snake-Out, Murder Style, Shock Therapy, etc?). I long for some ...

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