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  1. Upvote
    Epic_Fail_Guy reacted to DJ Nocker in Not Sure What To Do - Close up DGN?   
    First, I dont disagree with some, I disagree with most. But I do still owe dgn thanks for helping me with several things, thus, I stick around.
    Second, I understand you are sick, that being said.

    It took you 3 months after industrial wednesdays closed to figure find out that it was over... Ive been on this site for years, You never go to anything (save maybe city club once in a while), and so you dont promote shit. Maybe you did before, but you havent in a couple years. The most you do is say something looks cool and "hope your health permits you to go". The people who say you arent strict enough are the reason this forum is dead. Ive heard several moderators say that they have given you several good ideas to help the board, and that you are just stubborn and want it ran your way, and now the site is closing.
  2. Upvote
    Epic_Fail_Guy reacted to phee in How Are You Feeling?   
    You are correct, we needed a few more liberals to make that happen.

  3. Upvote
    Epic_Fail_Guy got a reaction from KatRN05 in Who Here Is Single   
    The way I see it, I don't waste my time with anyone new that doesn't want to date. It's not that I'm pissed off or offended when I turn my back and walk the other way, it's just I'm content with my life as it is right now, content with who I have for friends, content with who I am, content with my life as it rolls. And if I'm on the prowl and an interest pulls the, "lets just be friends" I politely say, "I got my fill of friends and that's not what I'm looking for." Then I go explore other options.

    What this does is weed out the trash, mainly, the ones that try to white knight you into that "dreaded" friendzone. The friendzone is so easily avoided. You let your interest be known, and if they're not willing to share your same interests, then why waste your time?

    Sick of getting passed up for guys/girls that are a total waste of time for anything other than sex and stupid drama? Check yourself foo's, maybe that person that passed you up isn't worth anything more than just sex and stupid drama, that's why they go for that sort of person. And ya wonder why people are often more miserable IN a relationship rather than someone who's single.

    I mean, these things don't exactly help you find someone directly, but it really helps you focus on the right path and indirectly helps you find someone. It cuts down on serious wastes of time, the lost causes, the ones you focus most of your attention on, passing up possible opportunities that may come your way while you're too busy waiting for dummy to pull their head out of their ass and see you're worth being in a relationship with. Stop wasting your time with them.

    And if you're already "trapped" in a friendzone, easy way out of it (cuz it's not too late, you're not stuck) just be like hey, i like you more than a friend, and that gets in the way of the type of friendship you want, so we can either talk about hooking up, or it's adios amigo. It might sound cold but hey, it's the right thing to do, you're not hiding how you feel, you're not letting it harm you, and you're being HONEST with the other person. They might be pissed but you can say, hey fuck you, i told you about these feelings from the start, why am i gonna let you get what you want out of me when you're not letting me get what i want out of you.

    Final food for thought, and this one's really tricky to do. But NEVER let your emotions control your decisions over logic and reasoning ability. Your emotions aren't reason or logical. Not saying being a cold robot, but don't let your emotions cloud judgement. If you like someone, and they don't like you back, why pursue a dead end road because "you love them", get your head out of your ass, they don't love you, come to peace with the fact and move on.
  4. Upvote
    Epic_Fail_Guy got a reaction from Glory13666 in What are you about to go do?   
    Release millions upon millions of potential kids down the shower drain...
  5. Upvote
    Epic_Fail_Guy reacted to JonnyDark in DGN Down - Attack of the Robots II   
    For maybe a future reference. I switched over to globat a couple years ago, it's unlimited bandwidth/traffic, mailboxes etc, except for the databases which is up to 50. They always have new customer deals, which right now is just around/below $54 total for the first year inc private domain name registration and/or transfer. After that it runs me around 80ish per year inc private domain re-registration . Maybe worth the look sometime.
    I ended up staying with them to host all my sites/forums, after all the hosting i've used and searched through it's still the cheapest for unlimited usuage with all the extras inc. And their customer service is top notch. Maybe this could help in the future. I understand the $ issues though


  6. Upvote
    Epic_Fail_Guy got a reaction from StormKnight in What exactly is wrong with being conservative?   
    I rarely mock an individual unless he/she gets insulting with me first.

    As far as groups or organizations go like Tea Baggers, (wich is what they did in fact call themselves origionally until they realized what it meant lol!) I really don't like lobbyists or special interest groups, or any organization of people period. Just groups of people usually almost always lowers the value of the movement. A person by him/her self can be a smart rationally thinking person by default nature.. yet somehow when they group together, those qualities are lost entirely.

    For example, I support the right to bear arms, I love my guns. I respect the NRA's efforts to keep that in effect, however I find it hard to respect most else of what the NRA's agenda is.

    I avoid almost any and every form of organizations from politics to religion.

    I do have my set beliefs and Ideas, some are liberal, some are conservative. Will I listen to a conflicting belief? I'd be more than happy to as long as there's an actual respectful explaining why they feel that way. But if they have this snotty attitude about it, I loose all respect for that person or anything they have to say as I get the gist they aren't really trying to "correct" me out of the pure consideration that i'm misguided, rather they are simply stroking their ego to gain the satisfaction that they are somehow superior. And if it's based on that principal, it doesn't really matter if it is a right or wrong situation, or simply a matter of opinion, all that matters is their superiority. So they could just as easily have the misguided view and mine isn't, but all that isn't gonna matter due to them needing to stroke their own ego. So with people like that, it's really irrelevant to even listen to what they say, they have no credibility based on the principal of wich they "debate" their views.
  7. Upvote
    Epic_Fail_Guy reacted in How Are You Feeling?   
    I am feeling super sad for Eevee. *hugs* Iz is sorry
  8. Upvote
    Epic_Fail_Guy reacted to TheGimp in What made your day?   
    coming home from work and seeing a guy that was prolly 6'4'' and if i had to make a guesstimate i would say a good 250 of what looked like soild muscle and tattoos riding a beautiful fatboy motorcycle....but heres what made my day and made me laugh my ass off...as we pulled up to the red light i rolled down my window and he had his radio on very quietly....and he was listening to...."poker face" by Lady GaGa
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