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Status Updates posted by sexslavetrainer

  1. figured since you checked out mt profile i should take a peek at yours! hope you're having a great weekend.

  2. http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showtopic=32715

  3. I'm doing good but am a little pissed some mechanic ripped me off but hey that happens in life so oh well. So why so tired? And, whats debatable about Friday?

  4. Hey.. Not up to much.. What about you? Have a good st patricks day?

  5. Happy birthday to me,,,

  6. And I know where you sleep... Be afraid of midnight attacks..

  7. sounds good ill be there...

  8. Just thought I would stop by and say hello...

  9. Just here to show some love.. :) Hope you're having a great day...

  10. Old Detroit train station... Good venue for pics or what? lol Hows it goin?

  11. Well now aren't you an elusive one... You would think we MUST meet one of these days.. :)

  12. Just stopping by to show some love... Hope you're having a great day...

  13. I don't know how i've managed to be oblivious to your presence thus far... But... Hello! :)

  14. Errr.. or should that be +2? lol

  15. Just wanted to say hello. Hope you're having a good day, see you in a while...

  16. Well let me know if any of those "other events" are ones I should consider attending. :)

  17. Just stopping by to say hey... Havent seen you two out to CC lately, any plans to return? :p

  18. Havent talked to you in a long time, where have you been hiding?

  19. :) You're just trying to get on my good side.. Or bad side... lol It still amazes me that I haven't run into you at CC yet..
  20. It was an absolute pleasure to meet you. I'm sure we will talk again...

  21. Just wanted to say it was nice talking to ya... See you again im sure...

  22. It was awesome to meet you... I'm sure we will talk again!

  23. Thanks for a wonderful valentines day sweetie...

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