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Mean Salley

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Status Updates posted by Mean Salley

  1. Hey there dolly, I owe you something pink!!!!

    Nice glowy outfit on saturday, I need a little contrast next to me from time to time.

  2. I tried to get ahold of peoples about where one might find a worthy djembe, but they have not gotten back to me in time. I've dispatched 4 trolls to eliminate them for their insolence

    me failz

  3. Me am a fishy? You am a sea anemone :p


  4. WHAT?!?!?!

    What kind of a peoples are you?

    My mom said I can't get wet.

    *steals your fruit roll-up*

  5. *bonks her with a marshmallow shillelagh*

  6. birthday? oh geez, like you've never had one before. Aren't you going to have one nexxt year on the same day? lol

  7. Fate keeps putting the kabosh on your concert-going attempts!!! Thanks for trying anyways.

  8. Good to meet you too. I'll be sure to say howdy to you wild womens when I see you again.

  9. Good to see you too, all of the pink was gone from your hair!

  10. hey, you wamn't at Lily's like you said you would be!!!!

  11. Heya, maybe we should connect on B.net. I'm not sure if I can keep pace with you, I'm rank 7 right now in a silver league. I've been pretty much playing all zerg because even though a lot has changed, the theory of the Zerg is still the same. Holla some time

  12. How did I not see you? How late were you there? It's kind of hard to miss the tall ones. Maybe you were passded out. lol

  13. Huzzah? did I win something? Is she hot? Will she press charges?

  14. I should be there at Lily's I may end up walking if my car is in the yon auto shop, but I like the weather anyways.

  15. I was up all night because I had a shift from 4pm until 8 am. It's not always easy to go right back to sleep

  16. me good, I soent the day collecting, dissecting and rebuilding peeplez for the show on Saturday. When are you making your cookies?

  17. nice meeting you this weekend. We should throw together a DGN 40k tournament! (or fantasy, I have lots of both)

  18. Nice to meet you too, I'm sure I'll see you around once in a while. I didn't recognize your pic at first because it weren't blond :p

  19. nice to meet you, you chicks get pretty rowdy, lol

  20. Regarding the movie "The Visitor" I saw that at the recommendation of 4 people. Liked it a lot, the ending was a downer, but realistic

  21. Seeking symbionts, not sycophants

  22. stop being sick dammit. You coughed all over my profile

  23. They may very well be sissy's. I don't know what they are!

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