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Status Updates posted by f0rged

  1. I am in desperate need of a vacation.

  2. *Pokes and runs away*

  3. Log onto yahoo and I will =P

  4. I saw you lurking..lol

  5. If I gain weight from these licorise I'm holding you personally responsible!

  6. Hello back. Hope I get to meet you Saturday at city. Seems only proper after all.

  7. Happy Birthday miss Michi!

  8. Hey it's not my fault someone was able to take a sexy picture of me =P

  9. You and I need to go out sat night or sun night...and have a drink for our fathers..

  10. Live like you're dying

  11. I'm sure one of these days we will. heh

  12. Will you share? *puppy dog eyes*

  13. I want pictures of me from Steampunk!!

  14. Teenee Beanee's? I'm intrigued! Where does one purchase these?

  15. Ooo...a sexy goth girls with glasses secret club!

  16. Yay! *shares a box of Allsorts*

  17. That may be true, but I called you on it first =P

  18. You logged in! *hugs* I wish there was something I could do for you.....I'm really sorry hun...*hug*

  19. HAH! Cought ya peeking!

  20. I'm pretty good! How are you pretty lady? =]

  21. I see you lurking..

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