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Status Updates posted by Raev

  1. Éirinn go brách. DGNs own Irish rivet head.

    1. PollySyndenton
    2. Raev


      Hey Ms. Antisocial! :D

  2. bonjour mon cherie

  3. The shirt, was on my back at home with my daughter. She wins. This coming Saturday though, I'll be in attendance.

  4. Oh by the way - I think my shirt is safe in general...I definitely have an antisocial tenancy when in public :p

  5. Painting the figures used for D&D is pretty badass. Been painting them for years! :D

  6. Random hell0o0o0o

  7. What is it that you do, to keep people from dying?

  8. Life is beautiful here! How are you?

  9. Greetings and salutations returned, mon cherie~

  10. Long walks with friends are either functional or leisurely. The dotdotdot makes me suspect this one was functional. Everything ok in your world?

  11. That is great :) It's refreshing to see someone say that everything went well with their day! :D

  12. random hello, from random new guy~

  13. returns the mackin ;)

  14. Damn, you were at CC last night? I must have missed ya, or else I would have probably tried to talk about painting with you :p

  15. Was nice to meet you last night. Sorry you had to endure the Irish accent last night, when my mind is racing and I'm hyper it tends to just come out lol.

  16. Raev

    Have not a complaint in the world, nor would it do any good to complain to the world :) Yourself?

  17. Raev

    hai tew yew

  18. Random hello again, my interwebz friend :)

  19. I'll more than likely be up at CC tonight, batting my eyelashes at Sandy. You going to be there?

  20. I've just finished painting a new figure, using a new drybrush technique. I'm happy and thought I'd share! Hehe.

  21. Paints have gotten expensive :( Might bring about the end of my painting days in a year or so. There is only one good place anymore to find them within 25 miles of me it seems too. Pandemonium in the Westland/Garden City area :(

  22. Just thought that I'd share, that I am a fan of the cleavage in your profile pic :p

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