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pomba gira

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Status Updates posted by pomba gira

  1. Hey sweetie! I will be down at my MaMa's for a few days week after next, we gotta get together!

  2. Still here creeping around the edges... still appreciating all you do!

  3. Hiya sweetie... life goes on! I still want the jersey, too!

  4. Thanks again for the contribution LOL!

  5. Thank you sweetie!

  6. Half pints of love, and fifths of stress...

  7. Well... it was unexpected and rough trade-licious, and that is all I'll say in public space! New music sounds good too, I need to do something creative myself.

  8. Unexpected fun last night and good family times today... so I can't complain! You?

  9. Good evening to you, o mistress of desire!

  10. Hi back atcha sweetie!

  11. Who knew white bread could be so tasty?

  12. Like the new pic! You are very handsome when you smile! Not to say you're hideous when you don't... but... um, I'll shut up now!

  13. MOST UTTERLY GORGEOUS AVATAR PIC EVER!!! That is truly stunning.

  14. Dayum, didn't realize you were my age! (looking at "50 concerts" thread) Us elders gotta stick together... ;)

  15. Hey! Was wondering where'd you'd vanished to!

  16. Well hello there, kindred pretty lady! All is well, and you?

  17. Appreciate the prayer, sweetie!

  18. miss u... school's out soon, gotta come down & see u!

  19. Just saying Merry meet!

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