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Status Updates posted by slingerlandstyx

  1. Happy Birthday Sweetie! :-* Love you!

  2. Soooo... Handfasting... Friday, the 23rd, next month...

    Interested in being the officiant? :-)

  3. Where is "here"? Teh intarwebz, they are vast. "Here" is such a relative term.


  4. Maybe... But I think I'm a good kind of freak.


  5. But they make good dessert!

  6. *me pokes you* When are we doing dinner?

  7. You are the awesomest awesomeness of the awesome of awesomest... lol

  8. See you in 2 1/2 days. :-)

  9. Who DOESN'T like my skirts?


  10. I'll be at Necto on Monday...

  11. If you hadn't noticed, there's quite a few other people I STILL haven't added yet. Hard to find the time when you don't have a computer at home, you know?.

  12. What do I get if I already knew what a Tanuki was before reading your profile? :-p

  13. All's well in westland, got a 4 day weekend. :p You?

  14. Ok, maybe not OWE me a dinner, but I'd like to. Its your turn to pick where. :-p

  15. What, so you WOULDN'T enjoy my earlier mentionings? You still owe me another dinner. :-p

  16. ...Or post in the first place, in this case.

  17. Hi! Any friend of Michelle'sis a friend of mine...

    Which means I get to nag you to post more, LOL.

  18. Hey pretty lady. :-) When're you gonna post something?

  19. Orders, Captain?

    RETURN VOLLEY!!! FIRE!!! *poke poke poke*

  20. *poke*

    I'll be at City next saturday.

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