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Everything posted by BloodStainedParadise

  1. I think she is just worried he will hurt me again or disappoint me as he had in the past. I also think she believes I am trying to "replace" my stepfather. I just wish she could see how important this is to me.
  2. My biological father was out of the picture for most of my life. I believe I have only met him maybe three times, all when I was much younger. Recently, I found him on Facebook and we are now trying to start a relationship and get to know one another. The problem is, I believe my mum is upset with me for getting in contact with him, even though she initially told me it was my decision. Now, she won't answer the phone or respond to my texts. I don't want to cut my father out of my life now that we are finally beginning to speak. But I don't want my mum disappointed that I contacted him. What the hell should I do?
  3. Egads! My favourite of all time?!?!? There are so many to choose from... Hmm... I am tempted to say Silent Hill 2, but my heart tells me Legend of Dragoon for the PS1. It was the first non-FF RPG I ever played. And it was epic. So very epic... Who is your favourite movie director and why?
  4. My first time at CC was pretty awesome. Got really drunk, lmao. Met a few people who I attempted to get interested in DGN (they were drunk, so I doubt they'd remember XD ). It was really bloody hot, though, so we didn't do much dancing. Instead, we mainly watched pirated copies of Thor and The Green Lantern on the big screen behind the bar (fucking wicked, btw) and people watched. Still, I had a good time and will definitely be going again. Next time, however, with a bigger group of people.
  5. Watched the first episode last night. It was pretty decent, though it was mostly back story for people who haven't seen the original series. Still, intriguing.
  6. Umm... Sleepiness? Forgetfulness? The futility of asking questions in the first place? I don't know? If you could have lunch with any person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
  7. As horror is my favourite genre, I'm going to find it difficult to limit my list to just ten, but here it goes: 1. A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) 2. Audition (2000) 3. Ju-On (2000) 4. Descent (2005) 5. The Exorcist (1973) 6. Chakushin Ari: One Missed Call (2003) 7. Suspiria (1977) 8. The Shining (1980) 9. Martyrs (2008) 10. The Hamiltons (2006)
  8. Thanks for all of the info, everyone! Its my first time at a club for something other than a concert, so I'm pretty stoked. I should've realized beforehand that its Manfest, though. XD Might reschedule, might not. But it definitely won't be my last time going. Also Troy, if you will be there, a friend of mine is coming along with his MtG deck... Just so you know. lol
  9. "Empty Horizon" by Leaves' Eyes I miss you like I'm losing my own life. I'm drifting to somewhere I can't find. Resistance and the power to let go Of something I can't control. I try to reach you. I am alive but I can't breathe. Oh, so empty our horizon Of all the dreams that can't come true. In my thriving glowing fantasies I hide the taste of sin. I can't forget the sweetness of your skin. Forgive me for being... I am alive - You are here. But I can't breathe - You cannot feel. Don't want to feel anymore - Don't want to be here anymore. I am deprived - Falling apart. Where are we going to Into an empty horizon? Drop the mask and let my feelings in. Reveal your eyes that tell a million things. I'm here. We are here, close to each other... Close to each other... I need to reach you. I'm here but I can't win. I need to feel you. I've been here all the time. Will you let me in Into your empty horizon?
  10. Not this weekend (going to see Soul Asylum at Stars & Stripes in Mt. Clemens), but definitely next Saturday!
  11. I will (FINALLY) be going to CC next Saturday for the first time. [/applause] I absolutely cannot wait! Anyways, any advice for a clubbing virgin?? Also, will people actually talk to me so I don't feel like the last kid picked to play tag? lmao
  12. Just rewatched A Tale of Two Sisters for the fifth or sixth time again last night. It is an amazing Korean horror film... That really isn't a horror film as much as a tragic drama. Compelling and haunting, its one of those movies that sticks with you long after the credits roll.
  13. Seriously digging "Alice is Dead" by HANIA. So haunting...
  14. ...Gods Above, I don't know why my mind works the way it does.

  15. I usually need only about five. I'm quite the night owl and don't usually hit the sack until about 3am, and then get up about 8 or 9. Meh. Sleep is for the weak. If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?
  16. 'Ello! *waves* Been meaning to say that I love your new sig. That is, hands down, my favourite quote from The X-Files. Nice to see another x-phile! ^_^

  17. What type of Horror movie are you? My Results: The Downright Disturbing Movie You are the Downright Disturbing movie. The whole point of your being is to shock and mortify the audience. This means you have to have plenty of gruesome imagery as well as a morbid plot line. You are so shocking, and sometimes gross, that you are not allowed to be shown in theaters and come straight to video. You truly warp the minds of your viewers and some people just cannot resist that. Your scenes contain mutilated haunts, strewn body parts, and often gore that would sicken the most avid horror goer. But sometimes, you are not gory at all, and simply have the wrong body part sticking out of the wrong place. Some Downright Disturbing movies would be: Teeth, Eraserhead, Jacob's Ladder
  18. Loving this "new" Angelspit song, "Toxic Girl". WARNING: Graphic Content. NSFW
  19. A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. Basically, its about a guy who becomes a Grim Reaper. Absolutely hilarious novel. I'm also rereading The Lord of the Rings trilogy because its epic. And, like always, I have the collected works of both Shakespeare and Poe next to my bed for late night reading.
  20. I'm a huge nerd and part of that is my love of video games. Along with playing games, I also love talking about them. So, what games are you playing right now? Me, I'm up to my knees in darkspawn blood as I battle my way through the Deep Roads in Dragon Age: Origins (Just need a few more achievements!). I'm also picking up Duke Nukem Forever tonight. Cannot wait to kick some PigCop ass again!
  21. Going to the midnight launch of Duke Nukem Forever at the Gamestop in Port Huron. Hit me up if you're going! ^_^

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