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Anna Phylaxis

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Anna Phylaxis last won the day on April 11

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About Anna Phylaxis

  • Birthday 09/23/1965

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    OG, former Sr Mod, other stuff, and things
  • Referred To DGN By:
    Brenda Starrr

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  1. I havenā€™t done karaoke in a very long time. My daughter and I were just talking about it. She actually has a beautiful singing voice. I sound like Iā€™m in heat and itā€™s not a pretty thing. More like caterwauling.
  2. Threatening my husband to stick a finger where the Sun donā€™t shine because I love harassing him like that šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø he is absolutely not amused.
  3. Iā€™m getting ready to take a shower. I took today off, partially because Iā€™m hoping to enjoy the eclipse.
  4. Thank you. I am not one to assume that Iā€™m just going to get that position because of what I accomplished while I was there. But damn I hope thatā€™s a deciding factor. The pay increase is going to be wild. Iā€™m already making the most money that Iā€™ve ever made in my life. But this would be wild and I would not be against it.
  5. I always use the add files button at the bottom of a post. So I donā€™t know. I just know that I donā€™t have a desktop computer so everything is done on my phone.
  6. Christ, now Iā€™m going to have to check that out šŸ˜‚
  7. I donā€™t know if I answered this before, but letā€™s do it. I couldnā€™t tell you how many I have. I can tell you how little space I have left. Anything that gets done on my arms, has to be small filler pieces, for the most part. My back is almost completely full. My chest is pretty full. There are no tattoos on my boobs. I donā€™t need to get a cute butterfly, only for 20 years down the road for it to become a pterodactyl. My neck is almost completely full. I am not getting my butt tattooed. I donā€™t give a shit what anybody says. My right hip has a wide open space. Thatā€™s the only spot that is literally claimed by a particular artist. He just did my left hip. I have open spots on my legs for smaller pieces and my inner thighs are a blank canvas, but Iā€™m not sure I want to get that area tattooed. I still have space on the front, between both sides. Thatā€™s all blank. My stomach is pretty full, but there is still room. But yeah, Iā€™ve got them on my fingers and Iā€™ve got them on my feet and Iā€™ve had them done in some pretty painful spots. I just couldnā€™t tell you how many I have. but if we run into each other over the summer, youā€™ll kind of get an idea šŸ˜‰
  8. I have a great pair of black Docs that have embroidered roses on the outer sides of them. I also have a pretty amazing pair of black really high platform ankle boots. I havenā€™t worn them out of the house, though. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, I have these amazing pink moon boots for when it snows. I hate snow, but Iā€™m thrilled to death to have them when it happens. But yeah, there you go.
  9. Despite my love for all things pink, I happen to think that is a fantastic looking cup. Seriously, and not just because I know how you dress lol.
  10. Some of you on here will be able to easily admit that you rarely see me out in public. That being said, Iā€™ve decided that Iā€™m going to make more of an effort. Iā€™m typically pretty stylish. I donā€™t live in all black, even though that is stylish as fuck. But I have no idea what to wear to certain things, these days. I totally understand what to wear to Smalls. But Iā€™m going to the Erotic Poetry and Music Festival on Saturday night to see my friend, Lushes Lamoan, perform. Itā€™s at The Loving Touch and I have no fucking idea what Iā€™m supposed to wear to something like this. I have plenty of clothes. I just need to know what to wear. some of you probably think that, not knowing how to dress as the reason why I donā€™t show up at things that you guys invite me too. I swear thatā€™s not the case. Itā€™s literally me. I donā€™t like the public, but will tolerate it to see some friends. šŸ©· That being said, do you ever get like that when youā€™re planning an outfit? How far in advance do you plan? Whatā€™s your ritual?
  11. OK: we need to be able to upload larger file sizes of photographs. It figures that all of my best pictures are ones that I canā€™t upload here lol. I was trying to upload a good picture of myself, and there was zero chance of that occurring because of the file size šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
  12. I keep shredding people on Facebook for being misogynistic or racist or bigoted, you know, shitty things, yet Iā€™m the one that keeps getting grounded for it. Itā€™s just wild to me how I can sit there and watch somebody beat the shit out of somebodyā€™s dog, but I call somebody a misogynist and insult the potential size of their member and Iā€™m grounded for at least seven days. Iā€™m just tired of being nice about shit like that. Iā€™m tired of being kind and cool and calm when I really wanna punch them in places nobody should be punched. To be honest, I donā€™t think Iā€™m losing friends on Facebook. If I am, I guess it is what it is. But I have totally eliminated my fatherā€˜s entire side of the family and half of my moms. I just canā€™t hang with terrible people. And Iā€™m exactly who I am, both in real life, and on the Internet. you only get one of me and thatā€™s it. And if anybody deleted me from Facebook, thatā€™s OK. I probably pissed you off. Iā€™m not all sunshine and rainbows and I think it freaks people out when they realize it.
  13. I didnā€™t know what Jabber was until I had to use it for work. I use it every day. But yeah, a lot of those were definitely outdated. I couldnā€™t even tell you. AIM or my IQ were.
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