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  • Referred To DGN By:
    Aaron Koper

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  1. Punk/Rock/Tongue in cheek Goth band 4 Dead Grandpas is looking for musicians for spring/summer live shows. Check it out. Check it out. http://www.4deadgrandpas.com Email me if interested: 4deadgrandpas (at) gmail.com or message me on myspace. (I don't check messages on here)
  2. Different strokes for different...old people.
  3. "Maybe a goth girl band should be the 4 dead grandmas lol." Maybe, but then we'd have to feud with them
  4. YAY welcome! Um I gotta get new DVDs the ones Aaron gave me were a it too rough to burn and so I have to get new ones. They can be dowloaded online tho. Anyways i will probly be seeing u soon as I am moving to Aarons.

  5. Watch as 4 Dead Grandpas rock their international hit single "How Did YOUR Grandpa Die?!?" I originally wrote this as a song to help my friend's son deal with his loss. Unfortunately, since I'm a smart-ass, it didn't turn out very therapeutic, but it fit right in with my goth band.
  6. Well, earlier in that show I was torturing virgins and eating worms.
  7. Hello Whipper Snappers! 4 Dead Grandpas played our first show ever recently and covered Lonely Island's youtube hit "I'm On a Boat!" Only we played it goth/industrial style. Take a look... -Grandpa Eli
  8. OMG its Jaysus Craysus! how ya doin?

  9. New song! www.4deadgrandpas.com Ever get stuck behind those old drivers who go about 20 down a street that's supposed to be 45? What if they secretly do it for the thrill of driving us crazy? That was the idea behind this latest song. "You Know why I drive SLOW!?" is a wild punk song sung by an ornery Grandpa. He loves to get behind the wheel at about 11am and leave a trail of destruction in his wake. Check it out at: www.4deadgrandpas.com. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Me like feedback. -Jaysus Crayzus
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