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About cptdeath

  • Birthday 01/31/1981

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    x-large build cleancut
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    http://mostly irish and polish/ spanish
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    5'10" black hair 250lb

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  • Location
    Now in St.pete FL
  • Interests
    Ghost busting

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  1. Ah the good ol Irish whip. a highly underrated basic move. The origins of the Irish whip date back to the first olympic games. Who knows what they called it in Latin. The offending officer should be placed in a lumberjack match, with all of the females freinds and family as the lumberjacks. you shouldn't hit girls. he should have to prove his word in honorable combat before the eyes of god, who would defend her?
  2. yea we don't realy have trafic law enforcement in FL. i mean it happens but it's unlikley. they usually only show up at real big accidents. no body uses turn signals, nobody stops for emergency vehicles. you would have to shoot at somebody to get pulled over, an even then you could probably tell the FL cop it was an accident and he'll let you go. It's hard to get used to. if it snowed one day here it would total 1 in 4 drivers as long as it kept snowing. When it rains it causes 1 out 25 to at least be in an accident here. There are people so stupid they walk out into trafic and get hit by a car like once or twice a month. they can't seem to figure out not to do it again and just star jogging with their head back and wake up in the hospital. lol i seen it.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIIi7HPeTl0 this is the sweet good stuff right here. keep it sweet all summer. just play it in your head, put your hands way up over your head (WHOOOOO) bob and weave. dodge back and put your hands up, let the crowd chear.....
  4. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DkAAtWG0-820&h=51f35 yeah I know somebody else thats tired of OHIO's bullshit. So just move to FL and all your wildest dreams will come true
  5. its really not that bad down here yet. but maybee there will be flamable huricanes this season. been thinking alot of moving away from the golf back to michigain.
  6. Anyone notice the corolation between anti dipresents and suicides. what about people who drink and take xanex developing domestic violence charges. a kid in my neighborhood was given an anti dipressent sample by a doctor and killed himself that weekend all drunk. he would be alive with out it. another guy started taking xanax and still drank. after a month or so he got real weird snap totally unprovoked black out beat up his girlfriend of 2 years. never happened before the xanax. Chris Benoit a drinker allways kept a level head never abusive, started taking xanax. after a month he lost it took out the whole family. They only found xanax and alcahol in his system not staroids. I have an uncle who never had a history of abuse till about a month and a half after he started taking xanax. It's psychotropic and in combination with alcahol over a period of time changes your brain chemistry slowly. meant to make anger and negative emotions managable. it is some times abused for recreation and is very common. reppressed anger builds behind the xanax and is amplified by alcahol till it spills out as soon as a relaxed state is acheived. a lack of inhabition will relax the mind releasing the emotion from what ever naturally checks it. like a body becomes dependent on artaficial growth hormone. the part of the brain that allows us to control our temper becomes dependent on the artificial mechanism that controls anger and can no longer do it indapendintly. I wonder what level of awareness doctors have of this, if they factor in drinking as a lifestyle when perscribing xanax. maybee it's just swept under the rug in lew of Profits. Has any one else noticed this pattern in their own experiences? I am no doctor myself but have in interest in the community health and in scientific method, so when i see a pattern like this i feel an awarenes should be raised. but i could be wrong in my theroy. please either confirm this pattern or dissmiss it. what have you seen these drugs do? I have seen people abuse nurontin for recreation and in one night they were changed forever. Nurontin in high doses is used to treat savere schizophrenia. they tried to give it to my brother who drinks like a fish and only has a balance problem from a head injury. he refused it cause it turned a guy to a permanant veggie right in front of him. I wonder what the doctors would have made from that?$
  7. I think we should each eat 4 of them and drive streight to the hospital then sue.
  8. It's hard to not kill yourself when you want to. How do you teach some one not to kill themselves especially a kid. To learn not to do things like kill yourself to escape reality. it comes down to learning wrong from right. it is wrong to kill your self. it is wrong to do what those kids did. it is wrong to look the other way. Sure you could make a case for accountability in this but thats not what keeps one from killing ones self. accountability has little to do with a good moral compass, A vital lesson missing is honor on a personel level. fear is the contoler in accaountability, the real lesson is simple and has been solved by societies mutch older then our own. the other kids rewarded each others behavior with inappropriate social gratification. those who act without honor should not be treated with respect. we must instill in our society the idea that we do what is right rather then doing whatever makes you happy. the kids bullied her to get the social gratification from their peers and the girl killed herself cause she thought it would be better for her. they acted in a way that reflects our society's idealogy. when it came time to make a tough choice they chose to do what they thought would lead to happiness instead of what was honorable or right. mostly withought even knowing to consider the options in that way. (not very klingon) very selfish and young our youthful society. it is hard to do what is right and it doesn't allways make you happy but you can judge your self worth by it. we don't teach that. how to apply it in making decisions, especially tough ones. it has no place in public edjucation. ethics and humanities should be required for the development of good charcature. how to make decisions do what is with honor be self sacraficing stand by it. listen to reason sometimes your wrong it's ok. how to deal with confrontation and keep calm in the face of danger. to realize fear is natural and it is ok. fear management. how to conduct yourself when emotions are to strong, and your judgement is clouded. they should allow martial arts to compliment the philosophy classes. a person with this mindset is much more powerfull then without these lessons being learned. chose to do what is honorable. accept fear and other powerful emotions but remain calm and think clearly. if you let an undiciplined mind wander, then the feelings in the heart will fill the mind with mad thoughts reflecting the emotional state. the lines of rational that come up are rediculous and unwarented in retrospect. just like a dream reflects your emotional state so will your undiciplined mind reflect how you feel into insane rational. why don't they teach this stuff to any kid going through puberty. it should be not just a job for the bible or spiderman comics to teach right and wrong it should be as mandatory as the pledge of alligence. it's probably more important then math.
  9. OK thanks for all the help. She has been seeing a shrink for a while now. When she left cali and came back to detroit she found an excelecnt shrink. I just thought that a competative attitude was necessary for her to dominate. I am no professional of course. the idea of anorexia seems so foreign to me. She is in good hands though with the doctors she see's. I just want to coach her and motivate her. I would love to feed her half a steak some mashed potatoes, some key west pink shrimp, and maybee a shark steak with manderian orange sauce after a good weight session. Not a crazy session but comperable to her ability. 3 sets of ten at 60 pounds on a bench 3 sets of curls light weaight. lots of stretching before hand. just the tip of a regular rutine. do that a couple times a week and in 3 weeks the results will be a vast improvement on her health. even a lighter meal like half a steak and 2 glasses of whole milk optional salad and a little exercise, good night sleep. you can't try to do it all in one night or you'll burn out. it's more important to establish a regular routine then ever over due it. Any way it's out of my hands and apperently over my head. If some one needs to learn to eat or build mass i can help but if some one is anorexic thats not my feild. if the person wants my help with the other things i can help but the underlying mentall problem i must avoid trying to treat. I can help with the sports psych the never say die never quite attitude the thrill of competition and overcomeing you own limits, but what harm will that do to the anorexic mind? giving the will a dominate power with an irrational mind at the control could be very reckless. I have looked into the links provided and passed them along. I cant treat the underlying cause. I just hate to be helpless to do anything. Oh well she will live she is tough. she is a statistical anomaly only developing anorexia at the late age of 32 shortly after she moved away to Cali. most develope it in their teens. I know one thing. enviromental changes kills alot of plants. it affects a person more then thay realize.
  10. I have some trouble, you see a good friend of mine is ill. She moved to California and fell in with the wrong crowd. Diet crazed calli chicks. her boss would cringe and be repulsed by the average person. her friends were obssesed with fat and the slightest sight of it or the thought of it would cause a series of social outburst. they would go for days without eating and suffer from dementia as a result. but this would be considered normal behavior if enough people in a group acted as such. So poor kelly was allways skinny and hot to begin with. she and all her family have an extreame metabolic rate making it impossable to gain weight. once she slipped below a hundred pounds and her mood swings became out of control she was forced to move back to michigain. she has broken up with her boyfriend who is still in Calli. her challange is mental. she had to get away from that crowd. Now she is danger of death. She faints from standing, her blood preasure is dangerously low. they say her heart is becoming atrophied. I myself am part of an unspocken sub culture of competative eating. I have trained extensivly in endurance eating. I have competed many times. I have many friends in the feild of competative eating. Dwayne i met here in florida. from a different school he can eat any quantity in 5 minutes trained for speed. So i talk to Kelly and start to explain some of the training regiments common to beginers. How to set a limit and push past it. how to judge were your at and how to train to progress. It all comes down to mental dicipline. The shrink says all of anorexia is mental. and we know from compatition how to have the eye of the tiger. I'm gonna get kelly a team usa headband and were going to take her to some competitions. I think I'll start her out with a large salad then when she thinks it's over present her with a challange witch is customary. a challange would be a large breadstick or half a snickers. something like that appropriate for her level. the point of it is to break it down mentally, to see your limit and surpass it. I would talk her through it at first. it also stretches the stomach witch build endurence. Once she understands the spirit of competition and embraces it she will develope a drive to overcome her advisaries at the table and will conquer her own personal demons. I believe truly that the world of competative eating has alot of hope to offer to those with eating disorder. You gain a certian mastery over your own body a sort of mental conditioning that gives you dicipline. I also lift weight to and have helped a few people to gain mass. morris went from 110 to 160 My friend Guy went from 120 to 180 at his highest point. all muscle friends. So Kelly is in michigain and since i am in florida i am powerless to help her and to train her. her family is gravley concerned for her as am I. It pains me greatly to have so much knowledge and experience to help her but be so far away while she suffers. She often complains that no one around her knows how to cook worth a damm and i tell her about the 14 inch high plate of polish sausages and the 3 different kinds of hand made perogi,s that grandma made for brunch yesterday. with Kelly's life hanging in the balance literally i am at a loss for words. I will bring the subject of anorexia up next i meet with Dwayne or other competative eaters. It's purly a mental disorder and with proper training could easily be overcome. you could see why it affects me so mutch emotionally on a personell level. Any advice would be muthc appreciated. If you struggle with anorexia how did you treat it? how do you overcome it? also if you dabble in competative eating I'm sure any tips or trick would be benaficial here.
  11. during a telephone interview for a 35,000 salary job my brother started throwing up in the backround and they hung up on me repulsed.
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