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know_buddy_kares last won the day on April 7

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About know_buddy_kares

  • Birthday 02/12/1981

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    Does this still even exist?
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    Lololol holy shit this certainly doesn't exist anymore
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    Single - not looking
  • Interests
    Sleep, stonks, anime, gaming, cooking, etc.
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  1. Thinking Iran is pretty fucking ballsy, and trying to be smart. Washing away any moral high ground here, it would just go against my instincts of self preservation to go up to a country on a genocidal rampage and poke it with a stick, just saying. Was Hamas in that embassy? I would likely bet on it. Am I shocked they laid waste to Iran's embassy? Nell no, they've been blowing up hospitals and everything else. The only good guys in this are the Palestinians who are simply trying to stay alive. Although I don't like Hamas, hell who would. But you can't deny they are the sum of the conditions in Palestine, and what Israel has been doing since first becoming a nation. Now Iran wants to enter the stage. Oh fucking boy... I've only seen one report so far and it's hardly believable, 7 ballistic missiles got past the iron dome. I really think the number will be higher. Time will tell on that. It's likely, as history has shown, Israel and the US will over react to this. Russia is backing Iran also (no surprise there) but I highly doubt this will go to WWIII. Here's why. Ukraine has wiped out damn near 75% of Russia's forces. Iran may be emboldened by Russian support, but really how much actual support can Russia give them at the moment? Seems Russia is more likely using Iran for their own needs rather than supporting them. Hamas is more of a boogey man than a legitimate threat at this point, and is just an excuse to continue genocide in Palestine. Hell we won't be able to get involved much more than sending money as we have been because Republicans have made our own government an absolute dysfunctional shit show. TL;DR: Think of it like a bunch of idiot kids in JR high having a playground fight. None have the bite to back up their bark. A couple of punches will be thrown, and everyone will walk away like they somehow fucking won a fight that didn't go down like any said it would.
  2. Crawling out of my own feelings again. It's a certain time of year I don't wish to go into too much detail on a wide open public forum. This time of year still feels unnatural, like it defied fate and created a reality that was never intended to exist.
  3. Thinking I'm incredibly glad I quit drinking all together since 2011. Haven't woken up naked in the woods since that new years. Holy hell Slavic, I hope the cut wasn't too deep.
  4. I think it's largely due to everything being so polarized lately. Like it really shouldn't be but lines in society were crossed when MAGA became the cult of extreme prejudice. They expect us to still be friends after we seen what they voted for, what it caused, and expected to tolerate they're STILL voting for this nonsense? Hell fucking no. They can eat bullets for all I care. We're trying to coexist, we do not need all this New Age Hitler bullshit. And the "left" not being much better has everyone pissed the fuck off. Facebook is also being a dumpster fire as usual. The algorithm has gotten worse. It's what's forced into our feed. My best friend is force fed misogynous shit while I'm fed misandry shit. Outside of our opposite sex, we're both the same, we just are working to improve our lives and our interests have nothing to do with sexism shit. She gets red pill posts while I get "men are trash" posts. Oh and I'm getting soft core porn and I can't block it fast enough. It's fucked. I honestly use Twitter more often now. I only get on Facebook to make a joke about once a day and that's it. I'm not going to get force fed this garbage and the only reason why I haven't completely deleted my profile (I have a history of doing this for reasons) is because my wife's profile is on my friends list and I'm not giving that up.
  5. I have a strange sense of humour where the more lore there is behind a joke, the funnier it is to me. The detailed and serious like logic behind why Jesus can only be a Lich is fucking gold!
  6. Jesus Christ died for our sins, so don't let his death be in vein you degenerates! On that note, who's looking for a future baby daddy today?
  7. Getting my taxes done finally. This is quite a return. One grand for every inch.
  8. Reevaluating whether Robinhood should remain a swing play, or be treated as a growth investment..
  9. I'm just still getting used to the new hours. It has been a double (triple?) whammy. Gotta get up by 5am now instead of 7. Happened right after we went forward an hour. (And maybe I'm getting too old for this early bird shit, idk). Some days are harder than others. Still got my ass out the door on time anyway. Just needed to be cranky while doing it.
  10. Getting ready for work. This shit is too fucking early. Ugh. Fuck. Cocks. I want a monster energy on top of sugar loaded coffee.
  11. I'm feeling old as hell. I got my kids a new Mario game (with the cat power up) and the stage music is jazz and... I actually liked it... I have somehow developed an ear for jazz... Someone put me in depends and send me to a nursing home.
  12. Necroposting in this bitch doing my necromancy thing. Coffee house is back in business!
  13. Don't feel too bad. We learned from our mistakes, owned up to them, and set things right in the long run.
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